The Complex Modpack has already been updated and is the easiest way to start playing, I would strongly recommend using the Modpack for ease of use/updates like these.

Alcara Mod 1.12.2/1.7.10 – Lamborghini, Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes Benz….XRay Mod 1.14.4/1.12.2 – Fullbright, Cave Finder, Fly.Chocapic13 Shaders Mod 1.16.5/1.12.2 – Special Kind of Shader.JourneyMap Mod 1.18.2/1.12.2 – Real Time Mapping.Web Displays Mod 1.18.2 – Internet, Cinema, Youtube.When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the Useful Backpacks Mod is installed.Place the mod you have just Useful Backpacks Mod downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.Open the folder Application Support > look for Minecraft.On mac open finder, hold down ALT > click Go then Library in the top menu bar.On windows open Run from the start menu > type %appdata% > click Run.Locate the Minecraft application folder.You have already installed Minecraft Forge.Remember that the mod requires Uteamcore. Now you are able to download Useful Backpacks Mod for free here and enjoy its greatness. Its capacity is largest with 117 item stacks. Large Backpacks: It is crafted from 3 medium backpacks, 3 leather, and 4 wool.In order to create it, you need 2 small backpacks, 4 wool, 3 leather. Medium Backpacks: It is primarily the upgraded version of a small backpack.

Small Backpacks: It is made from three components including 4 types of wool, 4 leather, as well as 1 string.Those packs function just like carrying portable chests together with players in order to maximize the lacking inventory. And now this mod will offer three new backpacks into the game with a small, medium, and big inventory. Many players complain about the limited space for item storage and they want more. The mod primarily is added into the Minecraft game with the main purpose of handling the storage aspect. Have you ever felt that storage space in the Minecraft game world now is not still enough for your needs? Do you want to expand more in order to be able to carry out a large number of your items? Don’t worry, the existence of this mod will help you to deal with this issue.